Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Journey Begins

A one year personal journey to improve body, mind and spirit has begun. In August of 2009, I turned 59. In order to prepare for my 60's, I have decided to dedicate the next twelve months to improving my overall strength, flexibility and balance, and to better align my body, mind and spirit, through various means.

For the first year, this Blog will follow my personal journey's ups and downs and will provide general discussion regarding the topics of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, Diet, Zen meditation, Yoga postures and stretching, jogging and other general health and fitness matters.

During the next twelve months I will be experimenting with dietary changes, testing and evaluating various exercise routines and schedules, continuing my study of the various aspects of Goju-Ryu Karate-Do, and incorporting Zen meditation and yoga postures into my daily life.

My overall goal is to improve my body, mind and spirit, and to find a way to increase and then sustain my core strength, flexibility and balance, in order to ensure a healthy and active 60's and beyond.

If you are interested in following my journey and offering any advice, wisdom, critiques, or encouragement, please check back from time to time.

Thanks for visiting.